Saturday, December 09, 2006

No Slacking Today

We ran through the cold, dark morning and then the cold, wet morning for 2 hours and 11 minutes this morning. I'm not sure of the exact distance, but I know it was 10 miles give or take a couple of tenths. Felt good, felt rested and ready to do more. You were all right, an extra day off did no harm, and probably a lot of good.

I love our running group. Ages range from mid-20s to mid-50s with the occasional 61 year old too. We are single, married, childless, parents, grandparents. Babies, preschool, elementary, high school, college and empty-nesters. (I don't think we have any junior high children!) Soldiers, teachers, nurses, engineers, bankers, students, warehouse workers, maintenance guys, stay-at-home Moms, accountants. We have coffee drinkers, tea drinkers, cat lovers, dog lovers. We come from all over. We run all distances and all speeds. Our commonality is running, yet it goes so far beyond that. We sit at coffee for hours laughing and talking. We potluck together and take road trips and share houses and rooms. How can we be so different, yet so bonded? A runner, Cat, approached at the coffee shop last week and asked if we were the Y Runners, and how you joined. We said sit right down and we'll chat. She stayed over an hour, was there to run the next day, and again this morning and will be there tomorrow. It's like she's been running with us for a couple of years - another runner welcomed to our family.

Annette's post made me think about all this today, and reminded me that runners are a great group of people. I have my wonderful running group and my wonderful running blog friends as well, and I know, I just know, that any of you that came by for a visit would slip in to the group just as easily as Cat did last week. Wouldn't that be fun?


Anonymous said...

Great WORDS on the power of a community of Runners,,,very cool!

Thanks Michelle

Unknown said...

Yes, we have a good group of runners from all different walks of life. It is fun to get together and chat away. If only I didn't have to go home and finish my homework.

Wes said...

I don't have the luxury of running with a bunch of people here yet. It's something I want to work on. That's for making me feel like I'm a part of all that. It's really special.

Wes said...

Meant THANKS! :-)

Olga said...

Take me:) I need a group.

Darrell said...

I share the exact feeling about our group the CA Cruisers. I'd have to say in general runners are good people.

Anonymous said...

the running community is wonderful, whether in person or virtual!

Joe said...

Much of the that community is, I'm sure, due to your welcoming nature and that of others, Michelle.

Great stuff!

runliarun said...

I do not understand how this happens. Perhaps I lack social skills. I always feel as if I don't fit in anywhere :(.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful running club! Tho many people consider running an individual sport, when you run and encourage others to run as a group it's simply joyful, plus the miles fly-bye! Run one, run all!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to run in a group, at least from time to time. It can get a tad lonely in the Kerry mountains at 5am in the morning - especially when the weather is like it has been for the last few weeks!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you have a great group there! I love how running can bring people together who might otherwise never meet. : )

Michele said...

It is great that you have such a great group of runners. i like to have someone to run with too. make the run go by faster.

JustRun said...

You are SO right, Michele. It's an amazing community and one that I'm so thankful to be a part of!

Unknown said...

Things like age, nationality, race, income, or any of the other things that can keep people apart really don’t matter when you are out of breath and struggling just to put one foot in front of the other.

Great post! Your group sounds just like mine too!