Sunday, February 12, 2006

The Truth Be Known

Eric's account of his and Rob's urban adventure differs a little bit from Rob's.

Rob's account of our run was interesting however truth be told we had made it down to Puyallup when Rob caught wind of the Happy Donut Shop. The smell was apparently beyond his ability to resist and he suddenly veered off our course on Meridian and bee-lined it for Happy Donut. When I caught up to him he had already gorged himself with two dozen jelly donuts and about 15 big apple fritters. He was about to attack another dozen cream filled chocolate covered bismarks when I came to his rescue. Unfortunately he had the typical reaction that takes place when one wolfs down so much crap in such a short amount of time and he had taken on the shape of an over inflated beach ball. His legs and arms had been rendered useless. Not wanting to ruin my running plans I ended up rolling Rob from the Happy Donut Shop all the way to Tacoma. He sort of got away from me once and rolled down the river embankment into the water. Fortunately he floated along fairly well so having found an old paddle along the shore I formed him into a raft and continued our journey to Tacoma. We went to the confluence of the bay and the river and I paddled the rest of the way to Ruston Old Town Starbucks. The cold water eventually reduced Robs self induced puffiness and we headed up from the beach to Starbucks where we met the Pt. Defiance runners.


Olga said...

Eric, hope to meet you one day, LOL!

Unknown said...

Mmmm Donuts!!!

Tammy said...

Finally, we know Rob's secret to success. Happy Donut!

Thomas said...

Yes, that sounds much more likely than Rob's version

Donald said...

Your collective blogs are like a Faulkner novel where each person tells the story from their own perspective and the reader is left to figure out what actually happened.

Ironayla said...

I love it! That is so funny! I love to hear the different accounts of what we do!

Papa Tweet said...

That's a funny story, no embelishments of course. Right?

E-Speed said...

LOL. I am imagining you with a long stick rolling Rob along like a hula hoop. v. amusing.

Happy V-Day!

PuddyRat said...

Eric, you have quite the creative bent, don't you. Loved your account of your run. Much more, uh, interesting. (Rob, we know you love carrots more.)